3 fun things to do.2 great places to eat.1 subscriber giveaway.

...every week in your inbox.

Every week, we aggregate and curate a bite-sized collection of Tulsa's best entertainment and dining options from all over the web.A lucky subscriber is randomly drawn to win a gift card to a Tulsa business every week!

Sign up and join the thousands of other Tulsans having fun!

© Tulsa321.com. All rights reserved.

Questions about advertising on the Tulsa 3-2-1 newsletter?

You'll want to email us (at [email protected]) for specific pricing information, but -- knowing that our area business owners are busy -- we thought it might be useful to provide an "at a glance" breakdown of advertising and sponsorship opportunities.Beyond the fact that Tulsa 3-2-1 is an inexpensive and effective hyperlocal advertising vector for the audience in your backyard, your decision to advertise on our newsletter includes:

  • Each issue contains multiple available spots for advertising: At minimum, these consist of a premium spot at the top of the newsletter, one in the middle of the body, and one near the end. Other spots may become available.

  • Each of the main three spots consist of space for roughly 50 words (including two hyperlinks with daily click-through counts) and a small image (best for a logo).

  • Each issue has a subscriber giveaway. These are available for sponsorship, but do not include modifiable ad copy. They do include a hyperlink to the sponsor's website.

  • Pricing ranges from $50-70/cpm by subscriber count, based on ad spot. Please email us at [email protected] for specific, accurate pricing.